Terms & Conditions

Intellectual Property Rights

Copyrights, trademarks, and other property rights apply to the content, organization, graphics, design, and other aspects of the website. It is strictly forbidden for you to copy, redistribute, use, or publish any of these materials or any portion of the website.

User Conduct

It is forbidden for users to breach the security of the site or attempt to breach it. Examples of such breaches include gaining access to data that is not meant for them, logging into a server or account that they are not permitted to access, and testing the network’s security.

Limitation of Liability

Even when the site has been informed of the risk of such damages, it shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that arise from the use of, or inability to use, the product’s performance.


If you violate any of these terms and conditions, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Site, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, and any third-party information providers to the Site from and against any losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

Third-Party Links

Links to external websites may be found on the site. The site hereby clearly disclaims all assertions for the content or accuracy of materials on such third-party websites. These links are given only for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement by the site of the contents on such third-party sites.

Governing Law

The laws of the nation in which the Site is located shall control and interpret these Terms & Conditions, with no regard to conflict of law principles.

Changes to Terms & Conditions

The Site retains the right to alter, add to, subtract from, or otherwise update these Terms & Conditions at any time, at its sole discretion. You must review these Terms & Conditions from time to time for updates.

Entire Agreement

These Terms & Conditions serve as the entire agreement between you and the site and govern your use of it, superseding any prior agreements between you and the site.